Release Date: 13 May 1977
Run Time: 98 minutes
Origin: USA
Mimi's Rating: 4 hit and runs out of 5
A small desert town is terrorized by a diabolical car.

Many people won't agree with how highly I rated this movie, but I loved The Car. Growing up, Jaws was the movie that most inspired my love for film, and this movie is Jaws in the Desert. Not that I would put it on the same level as Jaws, but it did similarly entertain me.
The Car opens with the titular character (because it truly is a character in this movie) attacking and killing two cyclists. We then meet our movie's hero, Chief Deputy Wade Parent, played by James Brolin. Following another hit and run, this time witnessed by town wife-beater Amos Clemens, Wade now has a lead on his vehicular killer. Will they stop whoever or whatever is behind the wheel before it kills again? Find out in: The Car!
Similar to a movie like Jaws or Tremors, I found all the characters to be interesting and likable. Sure, the acting may not be the best, but for a movie about a devil car, it's just where I want it. James Brolin was perfect as the lead, and I found myself invested in what would happen to this character. A well-rounded cast of side characters fleshes out the movie nicely. There was just the right amount of character-building interspersed with over-the-top car carnage. As for the car, the design helps give the car a personality. You can tell a lot of thought went into what the car should look like. And when the camera lingers on it, you can imagine the car's glowering face.

I've also seen reviewers call this movie ugly. They must have missed all the landscape shots in this movie. I love how they show the isolation of the characters without explicitly having to say it. Sometimes, the landscape will even look alien which adds to the other-worldliness of the car. Seeing a car driving around on what looks like the surface of Mars can be an eerie sight

With a premise like this, you would expect some car stunts, right? Well, they deliver and then some. There's even a sequence where some cowboys play rodeo with the car. How they managed to film that safely, I have no idea. This car defies the laws of physics, and I loved watching it. My only gripe is that the sped-up chase scenes look dated. But when you see some of the roads they're filming on, you'll understand why they did it the way they did.
The Car is a movie that takes its premise seriously enough to take a ridiculous idea and turn it into an actual threat. It takes the time to introduce you to its cast of characters and make them likeable, and it delivers on car carnage with explosions to spare. I'd recommend giving The Car a spin.
Bonus: Oh, I wish that sequel set-up could have been realized.

Why you should watch:
You like movies that were "inspired by" the popularity of Jaws.
You like movies with wild stunts and explosions.
You don't like B-movie schlock.
Why you shouldn't watch:
You want nothing but mindless action.
You need an explanation as to why a killer car exists in the first place.